The George Clooney explanation is sheer genius.

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Haha! Thanks! I’m glad you liked it. What George do you prefer?

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I like the current "mature" George... but let's be honest, I just like George.

I'm not sure if you have written about this somewhere, but I would actually love to know how to store wine once it has been opened.

I got a lovely red from a friend a couple months ago but I like my wines very dry and not too sweet, while my husband likes his to be almost a dessert wine. All of which is to say I'm the only one who drank it and I only have a glass a time. I don't think I stored it properly because after a day or two it didn't taste the same, alas.

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This is such an interesting piece! Had not at all understood about which wines would age and which would not before!

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Thank you, Lizzie! It can get a bit complicated if you over think it (who? me?) but it can be straightforward… I think. 😁

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I can imagine! But I didn’t even have the basics!!

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Well, thank you, I’m glad to be of help! 🥂

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Funny enough, one of my honest-to-gawd mantras is WWGD – what would George do? Would he flip off another driver on the highway? Would he body check someone out of the way to be next in line at Starbucks? Let’s all be classy George.

As for the Q about storing wine – Merci!!! I’ve been struggling with this weeks newsletter topic, started three different ideas but alas struck out. I will cover all of this in tomorrow’s edition.

In the meantime, close your wine and put it in the fridge. Red and white. The cold slows the oxidation and degradation. You will potentially get about 5 days out of white, 3-5 for red. But let your nose and tastebuds guide you. Take the red out of the fridge about 30 minutes before serving and you should be good to go. 🥂

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