I loved this piece - very interesting! Cherries do smell like bananas … cool!

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Neat, right!? There’s a book called Tastebuds and Molecules which explains all this stuff. It’s a little over my head, but still an interesting read (from what I can understand 😂)

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I love this kind of thing. I am going to look for the book. Probably over my head too but I will enjoy it all the same.

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Sep 10Liked by Erin Henderson

Erin, not only was this piece beautifully written, it truly opened my mind (and, soon I hope, my nose!) to all the beautiful details available to us, if we only knew how to sniff them out. Brava!

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Thank you, Maddie! Interestingly enough, I just took an intro mushroom foraging course. The same principles apply in determining wild funghi! (Not tasting so much 😬 but touch and smell and sight.)

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Sep 10Liked by Erin Henderson

Oh wow, that's fascinating!

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It really was!

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Sep 7Liked by Erin Henderson

A very interesting article.

To distinguish between aromas and flavours is truly a skill.

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It is! And very useful, too.

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This was fascinating, Erin!

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Thanks, Jolene. To me, having a good appreciation of aroma and flavour is as useful and import as a good vocabulary. Food, wine… when you understand the parts the sum becomes so much deeper and impactful.

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It’s like mindfulness for your sniffer! I will take this lesson and do it. I do smell a lot of herbs and produce and cheese throughout the day but not everything. This will be fun!

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What’s really neat is the smell memories. I have students who say “this wine reminds me of my cottage” or “this smells like baking with my grandma” and it’s not until we pull apart the scents involved that they can pick out the individual notes. But it’s so fascinating how aromas and tastes can transport you back in time!

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Sep 5Liked by Erin Henderson

100% agree about the memories. They are more vividly evoked by smell than any other sense.

This is the kind of assignment I love!

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I have so many students that come from all over the world. Their smell reference is so different than mine, it’s fascinating!

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Love that. 💛

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Same. 😊

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